Pupils at Poppy Field School are streamed according to their needs and ability. Pupils receive support that provides the flexibility to access learning in the most appropriate way. Timetabling and approach is shaped by the needs of each child, each day. This may involve working individually or collaboratively, and may be led by adults or the child.

Curriculum Overview
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Career Guidance Overview
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
We use the Gatsby Benchmarks to inform our IAG delivery, please see below for a breakdown of what is offered to all children in each year group.
Year 7
All pupils will have a basic introduction to our careers program and complete a career interest form. Drop in session are available throughout the year for careers information and Q & A.
Year 8
All pupils in year 8 will review their career interest form and will complete a year 8 update in a to one session about their future employment aspirations.
These session run in conjunction with PHSE lessons in which pupils begin to investigate different employment sectors and employment pathways.
Drop in sessions are available for information and Q & A available throughout the year.
Year 9
In year 9 all pupils attend an IAG session during which they will have the opportunity to revisit and discuss career interests, as well as review and update their form from year 8. A further career interests discussion will take place during the summer term and goals set in relation to this.
Year 9 pupils are also supported to begin development of their own personal learning pathway.
Drop in sessions are available for information and Q & A available throughout the year.
Year 10
In year 10 pupils begin work on BTEC qualifications. As part of their courses they will be required to assess their own skills and interests, identify potential career paths and investigate the skills necessary for employment.
Pupils have the opportunity to search and apply for jobs, attend mock interviews and prepare to attend work based experience/volunteering.
These in class activities run in conjunction with drop in sessions and continued development of pupils’ personal learning pathways.
Year 11
Pupils continue to develop their employability and work skills through their BTEC courses and investigate FE providers including colleges, training providers, internships and apprenticeships, UTCs, and studio schools.
Pupils are supported to attend careers fairs, college visits and taster days to enable successful post 16 progression. This is completed alongside ongoing IAG in addition to work experience placements, volunteering opportunities and a focus on developing independence skills (in the summer term).
Year 12 and 13
All year 12 & 13 pupils continue with their studies according to their own personal learning pathways and are supported to investigate and develop progression opportunities in FE or working life. They will have further opportunities to attend careers fairs, college visits/taster days, work experience, volunteering opportunities and participate in focus sessions on developing independence skills to enable successful post 18 progression.
Overview of Sessions